Announcing the Competitive Entrance Examination and fix the number of places available for admission into the 1st year of Master of Agro-Food Process Engineering, Master of Maintenance and Production Enginering and Master of Industrial CHemistry and Environmental Engineering of the engineering Cycle of National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI) of the Univiersity of Nagoundere for 2020/2021 academic Year
ARTICLE 1: (1) The competitive Entrance Examination for admission of students into the 1st Year of Master in Agro-food Process Engineering, Master in Maintenance and Production ENgineering and Master in Industrial CHemistry and Environmental Engineering of the Engineering Cycle of the National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI) of the University of Ngaoundere for the 2020/2021 academic year shall take place on the 22th and 23th September 2020.
(2) This Competitive Entrace Examination is opened to Cameroonians of both sexes and also to foreigners resident in Cameroun.
Article 2: The number of places available in the first year programmes of the engineering cycle of the National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences of the University of Ngaoundere for the Academic year 2020/2021 is as follows:

Article 3: Candidates for the examination should be holders of one of the following qualifications:
- For candidates for the Agro-Food Process Engineering or for the Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering:
- The University Diploma of Technology (DUT) in Agro-Food processing;
- The Works Engineers Diploma from ENSIAAC with specialisation in Dietetics and Quality Control or in Production;
- First degree in either Chemistry; Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biology, or Food Sciences
- Any other equivalent qualification that is related to the programme.
- For candidates for Industrial Maintenance and Production Engineering Programme
- The University Diploma of Technology (DUT) in Agro-Food processing;
- The Works Engineers Diploma from ENSIAAC with specialisation in Dietetics and Quality Control or in Production;
- First degree in either Physics; Electrical or Mechanical Engineering; or Sciences and Technology;
- Any other equivalent qualification that is related to the programme.
Article 4: The complete application file should compromise of the following documents:
- A complete application form;
- A certified photocopy of birth certificate dated not more than three months old;
- A certified true photocopy of certificates/diplomas;
- 4 recent passport-size photographs;
- A non-conviction certificate date not more than 3 months;
- A medical certificate issued from a government hospital dated not more than 3 months
- A receipt of payment of the sum of twenty thousand into the bank account ECOBANK CAMEROON Ngaoundere n° 26017-01207980501-20 ECOBANK as participation fees in the Entrance Examination
- An A4 size self-addressed and 500 francs – stamped envelope.
Article 5: Application forms are available at the following places as of the 29th June 2020. Completed files should be deposited before the 18 of September 2020 latest, at any of the following places:
- The Ministry of Higher Education/Department of Higher Education Planning;
- Any of the 10 Regional Delegation of Secondary Education;
- The Secretariat of the National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI) Ngaoundere;
- Any of the Rectorates or Vice Chancellor’s Office of the 8 state Universities
Registration forms can also be downloaded from the Web site of the Ministry of Higher Education of the following address: http://www.minesup.gov.cm or from the Web site of ENSAI of the University of Ngaoundere at the address: http://www.ensai.univ-ndere.cm
Article 6: For candidates seeking admission through the study of application files, an engagement letter from his/her enterprise precising the training fees (1 000 000 FCFA per year) and a handwritten application accompanied with a detailed curriculum vitae and all other justified certificates should be sent directly to the Director, ENSAI, University of Ngaoundere, P.O BOS 455 Ngaoundere, Cameroun.
Article 7:
- Candidates with properly completed files shall be examined in four subjects in any of the following examination centers : BAMENDA, BAFOUSSAM, BUEA, DOUALA, NGAOUNDERE, MAROUA AND YAOUNDE
- Candidates seeking admission into the Agro-Food Process Engineering and Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering program shall be examined on the following subjects:

- Candidates seeking admission into the Industrial Maintenance and Production Engineering programme shall be examined on the following subjects:

Article 9: Candidates are requested to come to the examination centers at least 30 minutes before the start of the first subject. They must come along with their National Identity Card or any other authentic identification document.
Article 10: The timetable for the entrance examination is as follows:
(1) For candidates seeking admission into the Agro-Food Process Engineering and Industrial Chemistry and Environmental ENgineering programs:

(2) For candidates seeking admission into the Industrial Maintenance and Production Engineering Program

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