Recrutement d'un Chef de projet chez Universal Music Africa poste basé à Douala
Posts published in “Résultats”
Tous les résultats de concours au cameroun | Résultats de concours de l’enseignement supérieure (MINESUP) et de la fonction publique (MINEFOPRA)
Résultat concours organisé le 12 octobre 2019 par le Centre de Formation Professionnelle Continue — La Salle (CFPC-LS) en partenariat avec la société CAMRAIL pour le recrutement de 20 Agents de manoeuvres et de 20 Aide Conducteurs
ont déclarés admissibles pour les épreuves orales du concours de formation dans les Centres Nationaux de la Jeunesse et des Sports (CENAJES) , session 2019
tion of the originals of the required diplomas, the candidates whose names appear below, ranked by discipline and by order of merit, have been admitted into the First Year of the First Cycle of the Higher Teacher Training College of The University of Bamenda in Bambili, for the 2019/2020 Academic Year
the candidates whose names appear below have been admitted into the First Year of the First Cycle of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC) Of the University of Bamenda in Bambili, for the 2019/2020 academic year.
the candidates whose names appear below, ranked by discipline and by order of merit, have been admitted into the First Year of the Second Cycle of the Higher Teacher Training College of The University of Bamenda in Bambili, for the 2019/2020 Academic Year
the candidates whose names appear below have been admitted into the Third Year of the First Cycle Of the Higher Technical Teacher Training College of the University of Bamenda in Bambili, for the 2019/2020 academic year
the candidates whose names appear below, ranked by discipline and by order of merit, have been admitted into the Higher Teacher Training College of the University of Bamenda in Bambili
the candidates whose names appear below have been admitted in the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC) of the University of Bamenda in Bambili for 2019/2020
concours d 'entrée en Première année de I 'Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de I 'Université de Bamenda å Bambili